Bem vindo ao nosso blog, um projeto empreendedor no Energia Portugal

Estamos a construir uma Marca de Acessórios de Moda no segmento de luxo que reflete Identidade e Status Cultural e Hereditário.

We are developing a Brand in Luxury Fashion Accessories which reflects Identity and Cultural, Hereditary Status.

terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

O luxo está para ficar e crescer! - «Aspirational luxury buyer all but gone»

Em entrevista a Mickey Alam Khan, o editor-chefe do Luxury Daily, US, de 24 de maio, Greg Furman, fundador e presidente do The Luxury Marketing Council, emitiu umas respostas bastante relevantes para o nosso modelo de negócio, especialmente as propostas de valor nele referenciadas.
Uma vez mais, agradecemos esta recomendação de leitura ao Dr. António Moura, sempre atento às novidades que nos possam interessar e auxiliar na conceção da nossa marca.

Destacamos as perguntas e, sobretudo, as respostas que considerámos mais pertinentes no nosso contexto específico de atuação. Uma verdadeira lição a reter!

Marketing techniques
What’s the biggest trend you’re seeing in luxury marketing in the United States?
Luxury brands are finally adopting classic packaged-goods marketing techniques, becoming much more strategic in integrating and using every facet of the marketing mix and much, much more creatively targeting the best customer – folks with assets under management of $1million and way more – to win greater share of their spend and more referral from them of customers like them.

China as target
What about overseas – is luxury marketing taking a divergent path? 
China is it. By 2015 it will account for some 25 percent of the purchase of all luxury products and services worldwide and some 50 percent by 2025. And, importantly, becoming sophisticated about their purchasing at an unprecedented pace.

Effective branding campaign
Which was the last luxury campaign that you recall which made you go, “Wow”
Cartier’s three-minute L’Odysee de Cartier is an astonishingly, elegantly beautifully told and breathtaking visual story about the brand. Can’t remember as daring and successful a story – commercial doesn’t do it as a descriptor – in a long, long time.

Internet vs. stores
With the rise of the Internet, mobile and social media, have stores become less relevant to the luxury-shopping process?
The Internet, mobile and social media are new channels that will continue to afford buyers new ways of buying. In fact, in a way, they make the store experience more relevant and highlight the importance of high-touch that these media cannot provide and the sensually orchestrated – by the best brands – experience of place.

Higher and more demanding consumer expectations
Are consumer expectations of the luxury experience changing?
Dramatically. The resonance that venerable brands have established for themselves is no longer enough – rather it just opens the door. (...)
Only brands that deliver beyond impeccable service at every touch point, in every interchange, and through every medium will remain credible.
In the old days, the investment in the brand and brand awareness was enough to guarantee a loyal base of customers. That is no longer the case.

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